Doutzen Kroes Likes To Work The Red Carpet


Doutzen Kroes is a Victortia’s Secret model with a petite frame and a pretty face. My favorite is the over the shoulder look back with the butt dimples. She’s got just about every position covered, from Marketing to Writers. Holding her image in perfection to the masses.

Here she is with a Vacuum hose. This lets you know that she’s ready for business and wants to clean up after last nights party. Everyone needs money so it probably wasn’t hard for her to find one. She has a bikini on that they paid her to wear I bet, She must get a ton of free ones in the mail which is pretty cool if you think about it.

Here she is with a white kitty. That’s cute that she likes cat. Lot’s of people like cats these days making the switch from dogs it seams. Cats are nice because you don’t need to train them, like they have it figured out from the start. Now if you had a dog that could train other dogs, we might be getting somewhere.

Like me, you can see her here working from the ground up. Wondering if she should get to her feet and make some moves. She makes her way to the top even though her thighs are tired from all the squats. Ready to carry the weight of the world.

Here’s some booty slipping out the bottom of these pink shorts. That’ll get your lust risen. She’s a babe.

This ones my favorite, Love the booty.

Date: February 17, 2017

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