Nina Agdal Travels The World And Takes Pictures


Here we see a group of Elephants crowded around a tree while there is a solo Elephant to the right of her head wiling out. Or maybe he’s just performing a poem he prepared. “Honk honk honk” he plays through his cute little trumpet. Nina Agdal is in the picture as well, looking good.

I wonder who lives in the house in the distance with the boat and the view. She’s excited to get the perfect picture so she can jump in the water and be fully refreshed. She would come out and say something like “Ahhh, that was refreshing!” and we would agree.

Here we see Nina Agdal in a palace modeling a one piece bathing suit she brought back into style. Wearing a blue jacket to guard her from the rain and elements. She gives an aura of class and beauty rolled into a ball and finessed into her mother.

Nina Agdal visits the sand dunes. It would be fun if they had a sweet Subaru to bomb around the dunes. She wears Yoga pants which we all can agree with.

Here we see a camel meeting Nina Agdal. He’s visibly pretty unbiased about the situation. She’s all like “What’s up animal?” and he’s all like “Not much just chilling human..”.

Here we see Nina Agdal wearing a pair of jean shorts and standing on a ledge over looking a wonderful beach and blue water. A line runs through the center of the image connecting one ledge to another. Squirrels could run on those with ease, giving more way for travelers and adventurers.

Here we see model Nina Agdal wearing some Nike sneakers and picking out an outfit for herself. She has stars on her dress and a smile on her face. Long hair and painted nails. Tied shoes and dirty underwear.

Here she’s showing off her new ring while riding down the road on a scooter in Manhattan probably.

She gives a serious look and wishes you well. The sun hits her hair perfectly. Four leaf clovers bloom in the background. Vines run up and down the walk way hiding a bar barrier. Straw berries start growing and she smiles.

Date: February 17, 2017

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