It’s Fun To Follow Lily Ivy on Instagram


Lily Ivy is my apprentice witch in training. Intact with wondrous fun bags filled to the brim, she flings lust spells around the United States and abroad. Channeling healing energies throughout the populace and bottling vital energy. Make sure to follow her on Instagram for more updates! 🙂

Tapestries for days..

I glance to the clouds with her feet on the ground.

Fresh out the shower, only took an hour.

Empty lobe hole available to throw a rock in.

Lending you a helping hand.

It’s all smiles by the beach! As you can see this spell flinging goddess travels a bit and keeps us updated. I like the one where she’s standing by the water fall. Balancing her left and right boobies to entertain a wonderful pair she walks with her chin tucked in, motives on fly.

Will she climb the water fall or will someone throw down a robe? Or perhaps a sturdy vine of Ivy? Stay tuned to find out. Until then, ride on.

Date: January 28, 2017

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